As we usher in 2025, it’s the perfect opportunity to refresh not only our minds but also our wardrobes. A wardrobe detox can bring clarity, reduce stress when getting dressed, and allow us to truly appreciate the pieces we love. Here are some simple yet effective tips for decluttering your closet this year!
First things first, let’s talk about why decluttering is essential. Not only will you be decluttering your closet but you will be decluttering your mind. When you walk into your closet or open your closet doors and are met with a cluttered wardrobe that can lead to decision fatigue and stress. And that’s just because your brain gets overwhelmed with too many choices. It doesn’t know what to pay attention to and what to ignore. The result is that your baseline level is always stressed but you might not even know it anymore because that’s what you see every time you get ready for the day. Research conducted in the United States using fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) showed that clutter can increase anxiety levels, cause insomnia, and affect a person’s ability to focus, while making one less productive.

How to Start Your Wardrobe Detox
Set Clear Goals
Before diving into your closet, take a moment to set specific goals. Ask yourself what you want to achieve through your detox. Are you looking to create a capsule wardrobe, shift to more versatile pieces, or make space for new items? Knowing your intentions will guide your decision-making process.
Set the Mood
We want to make this as fun as possible so play your favorite music or listen to a podcast. I’ll shamelessly plug my new podcast Message from Mom that I co-host with two of my DILs. We talk about a wide variety of topics that relate to women from Age Appropriate Style to books we’ve read. It’s fun and informative and before you know it an hour has gone by and you’ve made progress on your closet declutter. I hope you stop by and check us out.
Clear a Space
Lay out a large area, like your bed or the floor, so you have plenty of room to sort through your clothes. If you want to go one step further I highly recommend purchasing a rolling garment rack. It will make your life so much easier as you just transfer all the hanging clothes to the rack so you can visually see each piece of clothing. Then transferring everything back to your closet is a very smooth process.
Take Everything Out
Remove every piece of clothing from your wardrobe. If space is an issue, go section-by-section. This will give you a complete overview of what you have. It will also give you an opportunity to wipe down closet shelves and vacuum. There’s nothing better than a spic-and-span closet.
Create Categories
Organizing your closet into categories can make the decluttering process more manageable. Sort items by type—such as tops, bottoms, dresses, and outerwear—and further categorize within those groups by color or occasion. This structured approach helps you see what you have and what you might be missing.

The One-Year Rule
If you haven’t worn an item in the past year, it’s time to consider letting it go. This rule helps eliminate pieces that are simply taking up valuable space without being utilized. If you’re sentimentally attached or unsure, try setting it aside for a few weeks. If you don’t miss it, it’s likely time to part ways.
Assess Each Piece
As you sift through your clothing, evaluate each piece with a critical eye. Consider the following questions:
– Do I love this item?
– Does it fit well and make me feel confident?
– Is it versatile enough to wear on multiple occasions?
If you answer ‘no’ to any of these, it may be best to move it out of your closet.
Sort your Clothing
Sort your clothing into three categories:
Keep: These are the pieces you love and wear regularly
Donate: Create a designated donation box for items you decide to part with. Consider charities or organizations that align with your values and can benefit from your gently used clothing. Not only does this make decluttering easier, but it also feels rewarding to know you’re making a positive impact.
Toss: Worn-out clothing that can’t be repaired or donated.
You Don’t have to Totally Let Go…
I get it. Some items are just harder to part with than others and we think we’ll live with remorse and regret if we let go of it. If you’re really having a hard time deciding whether to keep an item or not keep it just place it in a box and store it in the basement or underneath your bed or wherever it will be out of sight. That way, if you do kick yourself for getting rid of it you can retrieve it from storage.
The more ruthless you are with culling your closet the better because we all have clothes that no longer serve a purpose. Honesty is the best policy especially if your closet is out of control. But we’ve all experienced regrets when we’ve ditched an item prematurely. So this rule takes the sting out of it.
Wardrobe Detox: Make Use of Storage Solutions
Now that you’ve sorted your wardrobe, let’s talk about organizing it! This is the fun part. If your closet is in need of a facelift, consider a closet shelving and design system. You have a number of options, I like the configurations from Target Closet Organization or Lowes Closet Organization, and The Container Store Closet Organization has a wide variety of systems that you can add to over time. Several years ago, I worked with Inspired Closets of Athens and Lake Oconee to transform my spare bedroom into a custom closet. The result was life-changing!
Less than a facelift, but no less important, are the space-saving storage solutions that work with your existing space. Invest in slim hangers, drawer organizers, and under-bed storage to keep your wardrobe tidy. Clear shoe boxes are stackable and can make transitioning your closet with the seasons a cinch! A well-organized closet not only looks appealing, but it’s easier to find what you need.

Shop Space-Saving Options
These can help keep smaller items like accessories, belts, or shoes tidy. I can’t tell you how investing in boxes or baskets will streamline your closet. You can take the extra step and label the boxes and baskets so you know exactly what’s inside. I love wicker or rattan baskets for my closet storage and plastic boxes to store out-of-season items.

Shop Elegant Organization Options

Schedule Regular Wardrobe Detox Sessions
A successful wardrobe detox isn’t just a one-time event. Schedule regular sessions every few months to keep your closet in check. This ongoing practice will help you maintain an organized space and allow you to stay updated on your personal style.

Closing Thoughts
Incorporating a wardrobe detox into your routine is key. Try to do a seasonal review where you reassess your wardrobe. This way, the clutter won’t build up! I incorporate a twice-yearly closet cleanse that keeps my closet organized and in tip-top condition. Remember, you should always keep in mind that an organized closet will make getting dressed in the morning that much easier. With a decluttered closet, you’ll have not only more closet space but more mind space too.