Inside The Society of MSK and NET-A-PORTER’s Winter Lunch

If you’re looking for Fashion Week’s chicest dressed room, you’d be hard-pressed to beat The Society of Memorial Sloan Kettering’s annual Winter lunch at the iconic Rainbow Room. Last week, the uptown ladies brought out their best Chanel, Givenchy, and Oscar looks to the top of Rockefeller Center to help raise money to benefit The Society’s 2025 pediatric fundraising initiative, Empower Innovation: MSK Kids Investigator Clinical Trails.  The incredible initiative is dedicated to providing vital funds for critical research on new treatments.  The Society’s goal is raise funds to fully underwrite the studies that provide crucial insights to advance our understanding and treatment of pediatric malignancies. The lunch was generously sponsored by NET-A-PORTER, who have supported the event for the past decade.

Claudia Overstrom, Taylor Overstrom

Claudia Overstrom, president of The Society of MSK (and a alum), welcomed guests to the lunch and introduced Alison Loehnis, Ad Interim CEO and president, YOOX NET-A-PORTER.  “Ever since this partnership began I always look forward to this lunch for many reasons that I probably don’t need to explain to anyone here,” Loehnis said. “But today that much more so because of this incredible milestone. Over the past year it’s really been amazing how two totally different organizations come together for a really wonderful common cause.  We see that build year after year. We don’t usually do a tally but I’m so happy to say that through our partnership, NET-A-PORTER’ has helped to raise almost $4.5 million dollars!” Julia Glade Bender, MD, Pediatric Hematologist-Oncologist at MSK, was also on hand to talk about the incredible work the hospital has been doing to save the lives of children with cancer.

Dustee Jenkins, Stephanie Stamas, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Samantha Lynch

Guests included Alice Berman, Liddy Berman, Katherine Birch, Savannah Engel, Ruth Fleischmann, Mercedes de Guardiola, Charlotte Groeneveld, Gillian Hearst, Sarah Hoover, Jennifer James, Dustee Jenkins, Jane Keltner de Valle, Anna Kennedy,  Breanna Khoury, Joyce Kwok, Sherry Lee,  Erin O’Connor, Jennifer Oken, Marcie Pantzer, Besty Pepe, Darcy Rigas, Alexandra Lind Rose, Sarah Saint-Amand, Halsey Schroeder, Stephanie Stamas, Annie Taube, Virginia W. Tomenson, Lesley Vecsler, Marlies Verhoeven, Camila Vignaud, Cecily Waud, Sarah Wetenhall, Elizabeth Kurpis, and more! Special thanks to our extraordinary table host, Eleanora Kennedy.


Images: BFA

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