Comexim Sugar Plum Bra Review – 65J – Big Cup Little Cup

Polish bras are a big thing in the bra fitting community, quite literally in some cases! Polish lingerie often goes up to sizes that we can’t even imagine seeing on the shelves in other locations around the world. Comexim is one of those companies, and based on the reviews on the blog, you’d understand if I told you that they were one of my favourites. They were possibly some of my most worn bras back when I fit around a 65J (30G-ish, read on for more info!). These are the ones I reviewed on the blog, but there were even more in my wardrobe!

Polish bras are well known and loved for their deeper cups and narrower wires than most UK or US bra brands, which is why they’re such a favourite in the bra fitting community – generally people who have been fitted into a better size for them tend to find that they were wearing a bra size that was too wide and shallow for them, something that disguises some bra fit issues.

I’ve had this bra for several years, in fact, I bought it in 2018 – before I was married and had kids! It explains why it’s in such good condition – it barely managed a year in my wardrobe before I packed it away while pregnant with Emmy. While the cups have some stretch, the longline was uncomfortable on the bump pretty quickly for me. It was packed away in my in-laws’ attic for, well, close to 5 years I suppose!

But not to fear, Comexim still have this bra, the Comexim Sugar Plum Bra on their website!

Appearance & Shape

This bra is very distinctive in appearance with its gorgeous longline style and lace high apex cups. The best way I can describe it is that it doesn’t look like a full bust bra, if that makes sense! Usually with full bust bras, there’s a lot of “scaffolding”, the cups and the gore are higher, there’s extra lining and all that jazz. But this bra looks a lot lighter and daintier, something I really enjoy. You could be forgiven for thinking that it was a bralette!

I love that the longline band is actually a longline. That sounds weird, but I’ve tried a few longlines in fuller bust ranges before where it’s just a slightly wider band – I guess when your boobs take up more of your upper body, they don’t want to make even more of it disappear under the band! I’ve always loved the look of a longline (look how many times I’ve blogged about and reviewed them!), so I was so happy to find this lacy one.

Speaking of the lace, look how pretty it is! It’s quite delicate foliage lace pattern set on a sheer purple mesh. And not only does the lace cover the cups, it also extends onto the band and around the back too! So many bras have powernet in the band instead of letting the lace continue, which I understand will work for better structure and support, but just doesn’t have the same aesthetic.

The purple and black combo on the straps at the back is a winner for me right now. I recently got “diagnosed” as a Winter (Jewel Winter specifically) colour season, and a royal purple is in my colour palette, along with black. I’ve been trying to find lingerie that fits my colour season, just to add a bit more interest to my (now decimated!) lingerie wardrobe, and was happy to find this one that already fits! It’s maybe a little on the warmer side of purple, but I like that it’s bright and clear!

A sneak peek of an upcoming review – an old bra, but a pretty one!

Size, Fit & Shape

I chose this bra in a 65J, which was, at least in 2018, my standard Comexim size. At the time, I would have said that 65J equates to something between a 30G and 28GG, as I often found the bands plenty firm enough. I think this bra got less wear than the others around that time though as I find this band to be a lot looser. As I said, it doesn’t have the strong powernet band so has more stretch on the lace than you’d usually get from a Comexim bra. I’d say the band is closer to a 32.

In terms of cup size, I always loved that this bra had some flexibility. When I pulled it out of the attic last year, I was just finishing feeding Archie so didn’t need to wear nursing bras any more, but my bra size was still a lot bigger than it used to be – I was consistently wearing 32Hs. This bra was one of very few that made the cut to come out of the attic as the cups had enough stretch to cover me up and also to be pulled out the way for an emergency daytime feed, which were usually few and far between at this point. It wasn’t a great fit though as I found I would spill out the centre pretty quickly, so at that time, I would only wear it if I was completely sick of nursing bras!

Now I’m sitting somewhere around a 32G/GG (maybe a 30 band, I’m waiting on some new bras to try to see!), and the bra is once again, a lovely fit! It’s probably not perfect as I think the cups are a teensy bit small still, but the plus side of that is that I have a little more push up effect in it. They’re not the most supportive of cups, but definitely more so than a standard bralette with no wires. It means it’s lovely and comfy for daily wear.

The wires are narrower than most UK brands, which is something I’m a bit nervous about now with Polish lingerie as I think my root is wider than it used to be – it’s something I think I’ll have to experiment with over the coming months. It does have quite a deep plunging shape for a fuller bust bra, which is really nice but isn’t the perfect shape for me any more sadly – my tissue is quite a bit softer which means it tries to migrate out of the cups more nowadays! Again, this is something I’m still figuring out – it’s almost like starting the bra fitting journey out all over again!

The most important thing about this bra for me though is that it’s very comfortable! The longline is the perfect balance between soft and stretchy enough not to try and flip up on my slightly flared ribcage, but firm enough to give some support. And I also LOVE the high apex cups on it – there’s just something so pretty about this style!

As I mentioned, this bra is still available to buy at Comexim, but sadly only in a 70H, so if you’re interested and that’s your size, grab it now! There are others similar though, so I think it might soon be time for another Comexim order for me…

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