OFF DUTY: Actor Joshua Gray wears our new “Shadow G-1” Jacket in STALK

Video games are becoming a high-style hub for menswear. The highly celebrated sci-fi horror video game, STALKER – Shadow Of The Zone, is being transformed into a modern live-action film, scheduled to be released later this year. We just can’t wait to see our new Cockpit USA Shadow G-1 Jacket featured in the film!

Earlier this year, we were contacted by the film’s Lead Producer, Joshua Gray, to create a unique piece for the short film. We worked closely with Gray on re-creating our classic G-1 Flight Jacket into a rugged piece of armor for his character, OJ. Watch the trailer for STALKER- Shadow of the Zone and read about Joshua Gray’s experience juggling both positions of Lead Producer and portraying the role of OJ inside the OFF DUTY Q & A below.

Cockpit USA: What is STALKER Shadow Of The Zone

Joshua Gray: STALKER Shadow of the Zone is an action, sci-fi horror film that takes place in a fictitious dystopian Ukraine. The story follows a guide who leads a team of mercenaries as they escort a scientist to investigate an abnormal radio signal. 

Cockpit USA: What three words best describe your character OJ ?

Joshua Gray:  Guarded, skeptical, curious. 

Cockpit USA:  How did you get into the character of OJ?

Joshua Gray:  I started by reading the book “Roadside Picnic,” which conveyed to me the mindset of people who lived in “The Zone” and just how bleak the environment is there. After that, I played and watched gameplay for the videogame Stalker and looked into Lore on youtube. From there, it was pretty easy to look at the script and find where my character would be mentally at this point in the journey. Lastly, I hit the gym 4 – 5 days a week and gained about ten extra pounds to ensure my physique matched the occupation. 

Cockpit USA: What is your favorite part about OJ’s style?

Joshua Gray: There are a few things I loved about OJ’s style and the liberties he took. The smallest detail was if you look at his war belt, he has a pack of cigarettes where a magazine should be. This idea originated after joking with one of our advisors on this film, Fred Baker. Hopefully, there is someone who enjoys that little easter egg. The other part I loved was the Shadow jacket, he is one of the only mercs who stands out from the team based on appearance, and the Shadow jacket adds a cool flair to the character. 


Cockpit USA: Would you wear OJ’s style off screen?

Joshua Gray:  Funny enough, I’ve worn the jacket more times than I can remember. The first month after filming, I continued to wear the boots too. 

Cockpit USA: With the intense stunts that the video game has portrayed, did you undergo any tactical or equipment training?

Joshua Gray:  I did.  I spent about a week in Canada training with a group of guys who helped dust me off. I was in the Army, and they recognized that and dialed me in fast. We covered everything from small arms to rifles, drills, CQB, medical, and I even got to play with some long-range shooting and shotguns. We would spend 8 to 9 hours on the range, rest, then do it again the next day. Overall a great experience and big love to my guys out in Canada. 

Cockpit USA: Have you ever worked on a project like this before? Is this film genre something that you’re looking to do more of in the future?

Joshua Gray: This was definitely the largest narrative project I have worked on and I will never forget what I have learned from it. As for the genre, I absolutely want to do more sci-fi and we (Fabian Gray Productions)  already have a few projects in development. 

Cockpit USA: Was there anything that happened “unexpectedly” while you were filming?

Joshua Gray: Honestly, the generosity of Isaiah (Wendigoon) our EP and co-writer of this film was something unexpected and will stay with me forever. He could tell that everyone on this project was beat, and was out in the middle of nowhere for three weeks and needed a pick-me up. He got everyone a steak and he and I grilled about 50 steaks and veggies for everyone, needless to say that boosted the morale for the next week. Amazing time! 

Cockpit USA: Where was your favorite location when filming Shadow Of The Zone?

Joshua Gray: We mostly filmed on one location which was on a deactivated nuclear reactor, the whole place was a bit of a maze. It is rumored to have a ghost named Jake, that I don’t think anyone saw but I could have sworn that I heard something on the floor above us when we were all alone on our first week there.

Cockpit USA: In your opinion, where do the two worlds of video games and style meet?

Joshua Gray: In this film, there is something about the rugged location and the worn-in style of the jacket that tells a story about my character. The dirt and rust of the dilapidated environment almost consumes my character to a point that you can’t help but feel a sense of eerieness. That’s where I believe the worlds meet, creating that feeling by telling a story.

Cockpit USA: What are your favorite Cockpit USA styles?

Joshua Gray: I love the Pro Shearling Varsity jacket, Leather Tanker jacket, Lightweight A-2 and the G-1 U.S. Nylon Fighter Jacket

Cockpit USA: What are you most proud of on this project? Where do you feel like you can improve?

Joshua Gray: I am most proud of the team, I feel we were able to assemble a great group of people who wanted to make something cool and put their egos to the side to do so. Where I feel I can improve is communicating and understanding throughout my departments.


Cockpit USA: Where can we see more of your work?

Joshua Gray: You can check out more of the team’s work on Evan Royalty’s channel and our website

Cockpit USA: What can we look forward to seeing from you in the future?

Joshua Gray: I think you can expect many more intriguing and compelling movies and shows coming from us, and hopefully we can provide a bit of entertainment along the way. 

Cockpit USA: When does the movie premiere? Where can we see it?

Joshua Gray: The worldwide premiere will be out on youtube after our tour in NYC, TX, and LA. The trailer is out now and available to watch here. 




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